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The Police Bill is the single biggest threat to the traditional way of life of Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers in our lifetime. If passed, it will:
eradicate nomadic life in Britain,
give police the power to seize Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller homes,
fine Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people up to £2500, and
imprison those needing to follow a nomadic way of life because of a lack of safe legal stopping places.
Drive2Survive is a coalition of Romany Gypsy, Irish Traveller, nomadic activists, and community organisations who are determined to use peaceful protest and civil disobedience to highlight this threat to the freedoms of all people. If we join together we can make Priti Patel and Boris Johnson think again about their intention to eradicate a way of life that is many hundreds of years old.
Throughout the Summer and Autumn of 2021, we need your help to stop this racist attempt to culturally cleanse Gypsies, Roma, and Travellers from the British landscape.
Join us on July 7th, 1pm at Parliament Square, London.

Zarah Sultana

Andy Slaughter
Labour MP for Hammersmith | For all casework enquiries please email
Welcome at Parliament Square
13:00 Jake Bowers and Sherrie Smith, Co-chairs of Drive2Survive
13:05 Andy Slaughter MP
13:10 Billy Welch, Shera Rom
13:15 Bell Ribeiro Addy MP
13:20 Allison Hulmes, GRTPA
13:25 Weyman Bennet, Stand Up To Racism
13:30 Lu, A New Traveller perspective
13:35 Howard Beckett, UNITE Union
13:40 Traveller Pride
13:45 Delia Mattis, #KilltheBill
13:50 Virgil Bitu, Roma perspective
13:55 Nicu Ion, UK's First Roma Councillor
14:00 Silence for Stanislav Tomáš
14:05 Thomas McCarthy, Irish Traveller song
14:10 Luke Wenman, GRT Socialist
14:15 Marvina Newton, #KilltheBill
14:20 Zack Polanski, Green Party
14:25 Marian Mahoney, Irish Traveller perspective
14:30 Wolfgang Douglas, Human Rights in Dubai
14:35 Amnesty International, Statements of Solidarity
14:40 Zarah Sultana MP
14:45 Joe Brown, Irish Traveller Movement Case
14:50 Steve Kennedy, Lawyer
14:55 Baroness Shami Chakrabarti, Amendments in the Lords
15:00 Sherrie Smith and Jake Bowers, End
You are warmly invited to join us after 3 pm at The Abbey Centre for tea and cakes, to meet MPs and the team. People are gathering from all over the UK to exercise their right to protest and flag the consequences of the Bill on all our freedoms. So let's make it a safe and enjoyable experience.
#Drive2Survive #SummerofDiscontent
Drive2Survive organisers want to start by thanking everyone for their support, collaboration and donations to help make the event happen on July 7th at Parliament Square. We welcome the attendance of everyone at this peaceful public rally.
To ensure the safety, security and comfort of everyone on the day, we please ask that you honour our request for:
No sound systems: we want to hear our speakers and community voices.
No trucks or vehicles
No alcohol or drugs: this is a law-abiding, family event.
No other entertainment - young children and horses will be present.
We have stewards, professional security and a dedicated assembly point to ensure everyone has a positive experience on the day. There is a dedicated crowd-free safe space area, Covid-safety masks and hand sanitiser available.
Our Approach
This is a guide about looking after and respecting each other. It should tell you what you can expect and what you commit to as part of the Drive 2 Survive. There is a video of this text at the bottom of the page.
We aim to create a respectful and understanding space where all people can express themselves and show kindness and compassion towards others without prejudice or hierarchy power. Therefore, we have high expectations of how we behave towards each other when meeting.
Consent. Before you touch anyone or discuss sensitive topics, ask if someone is comfortable with that. Don't assume your physical and emotional boundaries are the same as other people's.
Be aware of your privileges. Think about how your words and who they might exclude or harm.
Calling out. If you have acted or spoken harmfully, someone may bring this up with you. If this happens, please listen and reflect.
Learning. Don't understand something? Ask. We are responsible for our learning. Know of a book, website or resource? Please share it.
Labour. Contribute what you can. Everyone is different. It's okay to make mistakes. Be polite when offering criticism and show gratitude for the hard work of others.
Social. We build social relationships outside of meetings and actions. We commit to this Safer Spaces policy wherever we are together. There is no expectation to participate in social events, and this shouldn't make you feel less included.
Security. Would you mind not using the names/details of people who have been involved in organising and carrying out any demos or actions without asking them? This makes sure that journalists, police or other unknown people don't hold information that could put members at risk of harm. Also, please don't film or photograph without permission.
Alcohol and Drugs. This family event and any associated activities are not a party. Would you please respect this? Do not drink alcohol or take drugs,
Community responsibility. When we work together, we are creating the change we wish to see in the world. So take care of each other.
We strive to stay free from oppressive action, behaviour, and language. These unjust actions and words include but are not limited to: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and any disrespect of size, gender identity, sexual identity/expression, (dis)ability, age, educational level, and cultural background. Because we want to learn from and educate each other fairly and inclusively, we are all responsible for addressing these issues as they arise.
Our spaces will be inclusive and supportive spaces for all women and gender-variant individuals. We do not police your identity in our spaces.
Drive2Survive is a diverse group, and some of us experience multiple kinds of oppression: racism, sexism, ableism, poverty, transphobia, homophobia, and Traveller-phobia. These oppressions are not separate from each other, which can be exhausting & painful. Therefore, we want to create a community that recognises and challenges the harms of oppression.
Please aware this is a public event, and some protesters will be survivors of domestic, sexual and state violence. We all respond to harmful experiences differently, so please take care of yourself and those around you. Do what feels comfortable and safe.
These policies are not about censorship. On the contrary, we are open to respectful dialogue and, most importantly, want everyone to feel safe and free to participate in our activities.
Thank you